Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Mice, mice, mice and more mice !

Well as you all know I took a trip down the hill last week to spend a few days at the LaHabra house to relax by the pool. It was a great mini-vacation ! (They are painting our house in Big Bear) I had dinner with Dave, Melissa and Caiden and snuck in lunch with Pam on Friday as I headed up the mountain to see how the painting was coming along.
As I started up the mountain I noticed my SUV was a little sluggish but as you all know I drive so slow it doesn't really matter. All of a sudden I noticed my engine light start blinking on and off. DARN!!!! This isn't good and no place to pull off the road. My engine light then stayed on constantly and I knew I was in trouble. Thank God I made it to the next turnout because once I stopped the engine it never started again.
I called Jim on my cell phone (once I found a spot where I could get a signal) and he was on the way to my rescue. It was about 105 degrees out and I had to sit up the hillside away from the car in case I needed to call 911 before he got there. It was the only place with a signal and you never know what kind a weirdos could stop.
Well we ended up towing it to the Ford dealership in Redlands and we were off to home.
Monday we got a call from the Ford Dealership and guess what was wrong with my car? MICE DAMN MICE!!!!!!! They had built a nest in my air filter and the nest and all got sucked down into the engine. It is going to be about $500.00 to fix it. This is the second time this has happened. Last time it was Jim's truck that broke on the way to San Jose after the mice had chewed through the wiring and that time it cost us $800.00. Thank God the mice don't come in the house but I'll bet we will be putting out lots of traps in the garage again and you know what I don't feel a bit sorry for them anymore!


Blogger Mel said...

That stinks. I am glad that you are ok though. It could have been worse.

Is there a way you can prevent them from entering the trucks?

9:39 PM  
Blogger Wendy said...

Yeah, after $1,300 I wouldn't feel sorry for them either. Kill 'em all.

10:14 PM  
Blogger Pam said...

Wow, I can't believe they built a nest in your air filter. I guess you go for awhile without driving? How weird!

12:53 PM  

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